Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm a crappy blogger...

So, this is my second blog in how many weeks? I'm pretty sure that I warned you about my unfiltered self in my first little note...but I must have forgotten to mention my short attention span. I've sat down to write a couple of times, but each time I start putting down words, I lose interest in what I am writing. Well, Hell, If I am boring myself, I certainly don't want to pass the drivle along to you guys. I am fairly convinced that I am going to make millions with my writing, if I could ever just finish something.  I see why people have publicists. We need that little spider monkey on our backs screeching 'keep writing' in our ear. The only voices I hear are the ones telling me to go get a snack, or that my writing sucks.
Why is it that seemingly confident people can get inside their (our) own heads and do so much damage?
I think Pink says it best...
"You're so mean... when you talk, About yourself, you are wrongChange the voices in your head, Make them like you instead "
Gawd, I love her. Talk about not giving a shit about what people think.
 Isn't that really what my NOT writing is all about?  Caring to much what other people will think is the downfall of a lot of dreams, in my humble opinion. Part of the reason we care so much is that people are quick to give their opinion whether we ask for it or not. I know I have been guilty of this a few...thousand times. Shortly after I started attending Al-Anon meetings 2 years ago, I realized that I was more interested in what was going on in every one's lives around me than I was in my own life. That meant that my own life was unraveling around me, and for all my helpful meddling, no one else's lives were getting any better either. I learned to take my own inventory and to let everyone else  do the same. I learned to keep my shit in my own shit piles, if you will. My shit on my side of the street, and everyone else's on their side of the street. If more people spent their energy looking inside themselves and fixing their own problems, they would find they had less drama in their lives. Drama comes from other people's shit in your pile. You can't change how they handle their shit, so why bother trying. You can fix how you deal with your own shit, so start there. Our own problems aren't considered's called life. The car breaks down, the kid is a walking petri dish, you are fighting with your spouse...not drama just life. When we are busy living in our own lives and taking care of ourselves there is no time to judge others or care about being judged. When I look back at how much I have changed and how much better my relationships are now I am so proud of myself for being able to let go and let others have the autonomy to live their own best lives.Nobody gets to decide what that looks like to each one of us.  After all, don't we  deserve to live our best lives regardless of what others think? 
 I am reminded of a quote..."Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink"~ Unknown


  1. That's what you call an 'epiphany'. I did that some years ago, mostly because there was just way too much drama in people's lives, people who felt I needed to know all about and could I please offer some sage wisdom?...while at home I had 2 angsty teenagers and a husband who was no better.
