Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's a bouncing baby blog!!

So here goes the first blog.... suddenly I don't have anything to say. Alright, seriously, I have been contemplating doing this for a while now and the thing that always held me back was that niggling thought in the back of my head saying, "Nobody gives a shit what you have to say!". Well, if that's the case and nobody reads this crap then so be it. It will simply be a nice way to practice my writing. 

I should just tell you right now if we are  meeting each other for the first time, I swear. A lot. If you are easily offended by swearing, open mindedness, paganism, sexual topics, or really anything else, you won't be happy here. I'm not here to agree or disagree with anyone. I'm not up for a debate...just voicing my very own humble opinion. It's just that, a lot of people think the shit I say is funny. In truth it's simply....the truth. Spoken plainly and with a snarky touch. It's just me. So please stay...or ramble on. Either way, this girl has some shit to say. 

I don't have anything in particular to say (bitch about) today. Saturday is the end of my week. I had to run some errands after work, which really puts me in a foul mood. I love calling the boy (16 yr old) to make sure he goes home to let the dog out and does his chore of cleaning the kitchen and getting...SIGH!!! on the other end of the line. I especially love it when he has the nerve to say "gawd, what's your problem, Mom?!", after I lose my shit on him. I'm going to tell you what.... If we would would have pulled that crap growing up, well, we just wouldn't have done that. We just did what we were told. Hell, we had to make dinner for our family while Mom and Dad worked. Anyone else remember that? Why don't we make our kids do that today?